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Southern Helicopters New Zealand
September 2002 Report

Fly-in Number Two

We were blessed with medium cloud and norwest winds that gusted from light to medium, temp about 14--16 degrees. The field was excellent thanks to the generous offer from owner Lindsy Williams.A total of 6 pilots turned up but only 4 with machines, making 7 helicopters sitting in the pits. Andrew Palmer had his new Vigor powered with a OS 91, flying and performing his usual precision 3D areos, however he appears happiest with the Raptor 50, putting it through the most amazing maneuvers one after the other. I don't think he knows how to fly in a straight line! Kevin Crawford is progressing nicely and will soon be into circuits with his Voyager 50 and Deane Palmer with one of his Raptor 30s is a hairs breath away from loops and rolls. Yours truly had another good flying session with the Squirrel , it's performing very nicely, power to spare, I've looped it 3-4 times now and soon the rolls! its developed a nodding in the Hover so I will make some softer head rubbers up and try that. A very enjoyable gathering with a lot of advice and experiences being swapped. Our next meeting will be the first Sat next mth.
For the record, the location was:
Lindsy Williams private air strip at Halswell is the location, again thanks to Donald Payne. How to get there... Head down the Akaroa Highway, about 5ks from Halswell, turn right into Tancreds Rd. Tancreds Rd is about 3 ks before Tai Tapu, and just after a large bed and breakfast sign on the left hand side of the road. Travel down Tancreds Rd about 3ks, passing Barnes Rd intersection and then on the left hand side is a small house on the cnr. I don't know the name of this rd but turn left into it and just pass the house is a hanger with a Cessna and Caravan inside, travel 150 metres further on and enter the gate on the left. The house is occupied and please keep away from the hanger and Machinery.

Colin Moss and his Squirrel