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Southern Helicopters New Zealand
October 2002 Report

Saturday 05 October

When I poked my nose out the door at 7 AM, I thought  we were in for a fine days flying, fine but a gentle cold wind at home, however , once around the other side of the hill things were not quite as rosy,the wind was bloody cold and strong blustery blasts that got worse during the morning,the blue sky had also vanished as heavy black cloud developed, all in all CRAP!!  Any way,Andrew and Kevin were waiting at the gate and were soon in to hovering followed by a new member John Andrews with a Concept 30,I gave Kevin a hand to set up for forward flight ,but the conditions were just to rough. I had a flight with the Squirrel and all appears OK after doing some maintenance because of the power loss I suffered the previous W/E.Deane turned up ,opened the back hatch but that was as far as it went, wise man! Andrew then striped a gear on his Echo and John tipped up on landing, fortunately suffering only a bent fly bar. By 11.30 it was all over, conditions were getting worse and frozen fingers don't help the learning process.   Thanks to those brave souls for trying.  Colin